Led Display Installation Techniques And Using NotesHardware list of Led display devices LED display signal cable power cable system control card (loaded in the computer) system received acknowledgment card (mounted inside the LED display) desktop computers (with DVI video output and serial port) led display and related accessories Led display installation cheap nike air max steps are as follows: 1, the DVI display card inserted in the motherboard's AGP slot, install drivers for the card; 2, the data acquisition card inserted in the empty PCI slot (if used); 3, www.boot-camps.com.au, with a DVI cable to the data acquisition card and display card together; 4, the control line and the serial port (Rs232) connected (optional, Star of Hope the rain system needs); 5, and receive cards with a network cable is connected.
(specifically the number of articles based on the engineering drawings) 6, check the connections to be set correctly or power debugging. Led display software installation Led display software installation steps are as follows: 1, the graphics card driver installation The graphics card driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, you can automatically install the state, according to the prompts. www.manilia.com, First install DirectX8.1; and then install the driver; final installation of control panel. 2 player Install large Led display special cheap nike shoes playback and set the LED Studio software, or other control software Led display will be attached with the application Cheap Nike Lebron 6 Online USA Sale software CD into the drive, copy, or install all the programs on your computer. Led display steps (important) 1, Open the led display: Please turn on your computer, then open the led display.
Pass into the power supply for the device (to ensure conformity to product requirements input voltage) Open LED display (Led display instantaneous power will be a regional body flashing, indicating that the body of Led display power), turn on the computer, be sure to ensure that the video card settings are correct (not will not display correctly, that black screen), open the control software, for basic pixel size and the display area setting (this setting does not affect the LED display screen display) 2, Close the led display: First, turn off the LED display power, turn off the control Buy cheap jordans china software, and then right off the computer. Identify problems Check all wiring is correct, including the strong current part of the connection (weak part of the test in a production enterprise has been completed), the signal is connected correctly, www.simonoscar.se , the main card for the system receives the input and output direction is correct, indicate the direction of receiving the card has.
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