
Maybe you bought authentic shoes and replica shoes, clothing, handbags online from china before, also you maybe have many questions on the immitations how to make them.

Today, i give you some information on this.

Firstly, the shoes are from OEM factory. What is OEM factory? OEM on behalf of manufacturing, generally do not own the brand, only in charge of producing, not in charge of salesing.

Nike OEM factory make A and B quality lever shoes. A grade Shoes: cost-effective. OEM factory authentic shoes according to wholesale shoes nike, Adidas orders do part (extra profits), its materials (materiels), design (design), processes (working procedure), quality control (QC) and with the authentic shoes are the same. A product shoes are the most cost effective, but finally a grinding process is not genuine to do fine, if you pick up the shoes look carefully, you will find some places there is no offset polished clean. logo (Product Identification) is the production base for sewing unawares, bring genuine careful comparison in order to see the difference. Factory shoes, including qualified, unqualified, the real goods are those original A qualified, they can enter the store for sale, that is truly original, A grade shoes is genuine! B grade shoes: B grade shoes is the raw material and drawings provided by the manufacturer, in part by production base on OEM factories, partly production by small workshop, also excluding tax, there are big difference between A and B on product quality, but also belong to the original shoes.

Generalized authentic: the real original shoes, including A, B goods, shoe manufacturers are authorized, and there is no difference between genuine quality monopoly (also stores have some items quality B).

So, from OEM factory shoes are all authentic, they are not replicas.  According to my experience, sell many authentic shoes, as they are from OEM factories. In fujian china, there are many OEM factory.

Aother thing, they are not from OEM factory, some shoes factories only make nike shoes according to the nike OEM factories's technical including the materiels, design, working procedure, QC. High fine imitation (ultra-fine imitation) has really had fake, fake also score level. High fine imitation is the highest level of fake shoes, many fine imitation of a high degree of simulation is now approaching 100%, to my knowledge has reached the maximum of 99% of the. This shoe is the first genuine look and goes, only with instruments to measure the nuances, followed by its use of materials and workmanship is better than imitation shoes out of a chunk. Most people do not see their true and false, you need an expert to identify, for some particularly good imitation shoes (mainly some older models, imitation shoes technology has been very mature, or more common style, the difficulty is not high imitation shoes), have expert-level experts to identify.

Why this kinds of shoes called" reps, fakes, replicas?" as they have no Nike factory authorized, privately produced imitation shoes, the main goal is to foreign markets (mainly in North America, South America, Europe, Australia etc.) These shoes are much cheaper than genuine, quality styles to meet the needs of many people, although the world are not allowed to sell fake shoes, but there is a demand there will be a market, even there is a market, then some people will think of the ways to make money.

Finally, i guess below websites sell authentic shoes from China nike OEM factory, India nike OEM factory, Vietnam nike OEM factory and more.

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